Petition Regarding Unlocking the Gate and Allowing
Pedestrian and Bicycle Access to Old Town Farm and Bike In Coffee
We, the undersigned, as users of the Multi-Use Trails and Bike Paths in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County respectfully urge our elected officials to encourage the New Mexico Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to allow us access to Old Town Farm and Bike In Coffee from this dedicated multi-use trail. The community has developed hundreds of miles of trails designed for bicycle and pedestrian use. Increased access to those trails will increase range of utility for which they were created.
- Whereas: These businesses are the only ones of their type in the community with a primary focus on serving cyclists, and;
- Whereas, by The Federal Highway Administration’s own admission, there is no safety issue caused by this gate being open, and
- Whereas a safety consideration has been created by locking the gate and rerouting bike traffic 1.5 miles onto streets, and
- Whereas this entrance onto the bike path has been used continuously for 27 years with no incident, and;
- With these considerations in mind, we request that our access to Old Town Farm from the I-40 City of Albuquerque Bike Path be restored so that we can visit the farm via the safety and convenience of the designated bike path.
- Name Printed Signature Address